Coaches are people who help us improve in an area or areas of life. Much like a sports coach can point out that the way you are throwing the ball is limiting the power of your throw, a life coach can see ways that your actions or beliefs are limiting the power in your life. Coaches work as cheerleaders, mentors, and a support system to create the life you love.

Just like athletic coaches work in many different ways, life coaches have many different methodologies in working with clients. There are some things you can expect in working with a coach that are typical, though the exact tools every coach uses will be different. Here are some things that every coach will include in their work with you: 

Setting Clear Goals

One aim of coaching is to help you get clear about what exactly it is that you want to achieve. Often, clients have ideas such as being healthier, having a more peaceful relationship, being more successful in their business, or being a better parent. A good coach will help you clarify exactly what you want – after all, how will you know when you get there, if you don’t know where “there” is? Having goals that are specific and measurable is a key to success. Knowing that you want to be able to run a 5k, or have an enjoyable family weekend once a month is more specific and these kinds of goals can then dictate the actions your will need to take.

Creating the Steps to Reach Your Goals

It’s great to know where you want to go – but how exactly will you get there? Some goals already have obvious actions you will need to take, such as exercising or making calls for your business. Others take a bit more creativity and the knowledge of diverse resources, like knowing the right book to recommend for a couple to read together or suggestions connecting activities with your children. Your coach will have ideas that can help you create the life you are committed to. This step involves a lot of ‘homework,’ as there are actions you will need to take in your life between sessions that get you moving in the right direction. 

Helping You Celebrate

We all experience successes and failures along the way, but not many people stop to celebrate the victories. It’s easy to be hard on yourself when you don’t reach a goal, and your coach is here to help you discover what got in the way. It’s equally important, however, to recognize what you DID do – maybe you promised to send your spouse a daily romantic text, but only did it 5 times. That’s five times that your spouse got to hear you express love to them! Every milestone deserves to be celebrated, and of course reaching a big goal is a big deal, to both you and your coach!

Determining What’s Next

Each time you reach a milestone or goal is a time to reflect. Is this working? Is this really the direction I want to be headed? Often clients will find that what they thought they wanted wasn’t quite accurate, and it’s important to use your coach as a sounding board to help you reassess your goals as you work towards them. Even if you stick with your original goals, what happens after you achieve them? Human beings thrive on growth and development, and it is likely that you will see pathways to even more exciting journeys when you reach your goals.

No matter what your goals are, a good coach will work with you to do all of these things. Having clear goals, specific steps to achieve them, and celebrating the victories along the way are all essential elements of a successful life. If you’d like to learn more about how we help our clients create the lives they love, please contact us by email or give us a call at (385)347-0805!